fine knit body
price incl VAT
price ex shipment
available S-M-L
price € 280
one sided vinyl LP
live recording of the ashtoreth performance
Paris, 04.03.2011
length: 19 minutes
code for mp3 download included
available LP
price € 18 (incl. vat)
we regard hysteria as the only possible gate
a fashion performance by krõõt juurak and pelican avenue
presented during paris fashion week in march 2010 with a live soundscape by raphael vandeputte
merci to sweatshop paris
kindly supported by
unit- f büro für mode
video by emmanuel le cerf
presentation photography by shoji fujii
a special thank you to michiel, kris, britt, samira, griet, marjo, lucas, martena, aline, cousy
kindly supporrted by unit-f büro für mode